Collin Konetzke

Collin Konetzke

Collin studied Graphic Design at UW Madison and spent a few years in Catholic campus ministry before jumping into Anchor Group. He has filled a number of roles over the years, including Theme developer, SuiteCommerce Project Manager, and Team Lead. Today, he has the pleasure of working as Anchor Group's Director of Talent and Culture, focusing on bringing new members into the Anchor Group team and fostering unity and camaraderie throughout the organization. During his free time, he can likely be found painting, reading, cooking, and spending time with his wife.

BigCommerce NetSuite Connector Payment Method Troubleshooting

Payment Method Troubleshooting | BigCommerce NetSuite Connector

Are your NetSuite Payment Instruments failing to populate in the NetSuite Connector interface? Follow these steps to resolve the issue!

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BigCommerce Filter Save Error Troubleshooting

BigCommerce Filter Save Error Troubleshooting

When trying to save changes to filters in the BigCommerce backend, you may receive a vague error message that reads, ‘Failed to save filters. Try again or contact support.’

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BigCommerce Subdomain Setup Troubleshooting

BigCommerce Subdomain Setup Troubleshooting

Setting up a subdomain for a BigCommerce site (that is not purchased through the platform) is not well-documented. Follow these steps to make it easier!

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Establishing an SEO Strategy for Your BigCommerce Site

SEO Strategy for a BigCommerce Site | Search Engine Optimization

Building the world’s best BigCommerce store will yield little fruit if customers can’t find your site. This is where SEO becomes incredibly important.

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About BigCommerce Promotion Editors and When to Use the Legacy Editor

BigCommerce Legacy vs. Standard Promotion Editors

Some discount features referenced in BigCommerce documentation might look unavailable because they are only available on the Legacy discount interface.

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Sending BigCommerce Order Shipment Email Notifications With Tracking Numbers

BigCommerce Order Shipment Email Notification Tracking Number

To add a tracking number or a BigCommerce order shipment notification email, follow these steps.

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How to Add a SuiteCommerce PDP Information Tab

How to Add PDP Information Tab | SuiteCommerce

Did you know you can add additional product information tabs to the PDP on your SuiteCommerce store in just a few easy steps? Here's how!

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