Retrieving Item Field Values SuiteCommerce SS1

in , , August 10th, 2024

When working in SuiteScript, there are many occasions when you might need to retrieve field values from an item. You might think to load each item record and search or get the value for each field ID. Passing a field set to getItemFieldValues() is a more concise way of accomplishing that.


The getItemFieldValues function retrieves values from items in the shopping context.

For more information on the shopping context, check out this training article on the SuiteCommerce Shopping Object.

You can define a field set in the website setup record and pass this field set into getItemFieldValues() to retrieve specific item fields by id.

  • See line 45 of the example below for method call:
var addOnItems = ModelsInit.session.getItemFieldValues('addonitems', addOnItemIds).items;
  • The first parameter passed into the function is the field set id. “addOnItemIds” is an array of items.
  • Items can be accessed by the “items” attribute returned in the object from getItemFieldValues().

Example Solution Code

function (
    'use strict';

    return SCModel.extend({

        name: 'AddOnItems.Model',

        getAddOnItems: function (data) {

            var returnObj = {};

            try {
                var columns = _.pluck(data.addOnItemsConfig, 'fieldId'),

                    fieldValues = nlapiLookupField('item', data.itemId, columns),

                    addOnItemIds = [];
                addOnItemsConfig =, function (configType) {

                    var field_value = fieldValues[configType.fieldId];

                    configType.itemIds = field_value ? field_value.split(',') : [];

                    addOnItemIds = _.union(configType.itemIds, addOnItemIds);

                    return configType;

                addOnItemIds = _.uniq(addOnItemIds);

                if (addOnItemIds.length) {

                    var addOnItems = ModelsInit.session.getItemFieldValues('addonitems', addOnItemIds).items;

            catch (e) {
                returnObj.error = e;

            return returnObj;

 Author: An Phan

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