Resolved: Missing Permission on Default Role to Add Quotes in SuiteCommerce

in , March 1st, 2025

A company came to us facing an error with their SuiteCommerce site. The company wanted to enable their customers to create a quote on the webstore, but SuiteCommerce was preventing the user from creating a quote. It appeared that the Estimate/Quote Permission was missing from the default role, Customer Center. This shouldn’t happen to default roles.

Helpful Hint: In the SuiteCommerce store front there is something titled “Quotes” and in the backend of NetSuite quotes are called “Estimates”. These terms are synonymous and are only nammed differently to reflect the primary audience of the record, the customer and the employee respectively.

Steps Taken to Trigger the Missing Permission Error

Step 1: The Admin or Store Manager needs to ensure that the proper quote features are enabled.

This employee can verify these steps by following along with our article on Setting Quotes as Able to Purchase in SuiteCommerce, which was most recently updated by my teammate Daniel back in February of 2025.

Step 2: The Admin or Store Manager should check the checkbox “Show ‘Request a Quote’ Hyperlink” in the Configuration Record. (Commerce > Websites > Configuration Record – MyAccount Tab, Quotes Subtab)

Step 3: In SuiteCommerce, select the ‘Request a Quote’ button on the header. This can only be done if settings were added on the storefront, but the user received an error when trying to access this page.

Step 4: The user received a block saying the user did not have sufficient permissions to create a quote.

Error Text:

“Sorry, you don't have sufficient permissions to request a quote online.

For immediate assistance call us at (000)-XXX-XXXX or email us to [email protected]

Steps to Resolve This Default Role Permissions Error

In SuiteCommerce, in order to create quotes in the webstore, the Customer Center role needs the Estimate permissions updated from ‘View’ to 'Create'. To resolve the error outlined above error, follow these next steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Customer Record > Access tab. Note the customer’s role as this will be used in Step 2.

Customer Center Role on the Customer Center

Step 2: Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles and Edit the role from the Customer Center.

Step 3: In the Permissions tab -- transaction subtab, change the Estimates (Quotes) permission to “Create”. This should allow the user to add quotes from the webstore!

  • In this case, the Estimates permission was missing and we could not allow quotes! Follow the next steps of the article if you are ever missing a permission from a default role.

Step 4: Navigate to the record in question: in this case, navigate to the Quote Record in the Transactions Tab.

  • When opening this tab, there was no “quote record”, so the user should open the tabs that are most likely to be quotes.
  • When the form opens, look at the URL. If the URL contains “estimate” or “quote,” you have found what the company is using for quotes!
  • In this case, the company renamed quotes to “Competitive Bid Request”.

Step 5: Return to the Customer Role – Permissions Tab and Transactions Subtab.

  • Look for “Competitive Bid Request” from this list – change this to “Create”.
  • Save the Role.
  • Log out of the webstore and log back into the webstore to select the “Request a Quote” button.
  • Problem solved, NetSuite hero!

Similarly, you can navigate to Setup > Company > Rename Records/Transactions and search the transactions to find the missing permissions. This could work instead of the URL trick listed in step 4.

Author: KC Daniels

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