CHIPS Site Management Tools (SMT) Error

in , January 3rd, 2025
black computer keyboard on brown wooden table

This error occurs when the Admin or Store Manager tries to access the Site Management Tools on a SuiteCommerce (SC) or SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) site.

To use Site Management Tools, the “SMT Core Content Bundle” needs to be installed and activated in the NetSuite environment.

If you need a refresher on this process, here are two articles that walk through installing and activating bundles in a NetSuite environment.

What Does CHIPS Stand For?

CHIPS (Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State) allows developers to partition or block cookies from traversing over multiple sites through shared images, iframes, or other shared site assets.

This article from Google Developers illustrates CHIPS more thoroughly and includes a five-minute YouTube video explaining the concept.

What Triggers the CHIPS Problem in SMT

  1. An Admin or Store Manager can utilize SMT to customize their site and add CMS blocks such as HTML, images, Featured Products, Logo Lists, Intelligent Recommendations, and more.
  2. The most common way to complete this is to hit the “Esc” button on the SC or SCA site, add the User’s NetSuite credentials, and drag and drop content onto your site.
  3. The error surfaces when the user tries to enter the SMT tools on the site and is blocked from utilizing the Site Management Tools user interface.

The CHIPS Error Message Appearing in SMT

Here is an example of the actual text of the error shown:

Your browser does not support the Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State, CHIPS. For information on supported browsers, see
Supported Browsers. (link directs to this URL:

CHIPS error surfaces when entering SMT User Interface

Option 1: Utilize a Different Browser

Web Browsers that support SMT Administrator User interface are Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. If you encounter this error in one of these, your first option is to use a different browser to view the page.

Our team has discovered that utilizing Chrome in Incognito mode is one way to work around the CHIPS error.

  • To access Incognito mode in Chrome, open any Chrome page.
  • Select Ctrl + Shift + N to open an Incognito Window.
  • One drawback of this option is that you must re-add your NetSuite credentials. It is annoying, but at least you can access your site.

Option 2: Disable Third-party Cookies

Your second option for solving the CHIPS SMT error is to reference your browser’s help documents to disable third-party cookies in your specific browser.

Disabling third-party Cookies from your browser could help you view the SMT tools, but it is unknown how this action could impact other functionalities, such as Chatbots or Scripts, currently running on the site.

Certain chatbots or scripts on your site rely on third-party cookies to operate. If you block third-party cookies, you may lose access to these chat functions on your site's interface.

If you disable third-party cookies, you might lose functionality when using features like Google ReCaptcha, which protects your site from being spammed by robots. 

In Google Chrome, to disable 3rd party Cookies, navigate through this click path:

  • Open Chrome.
  • Click More Settings in the top right corner.
  • Click Privacy and Security.
  • Click Third Party Cookies.
  • Select Block third-party cookies.

Cookie Settings in Google Chrome

  • If this still does not work, try clearing your browser’s cookies.

To Clear Cookies on Google Chrome, follow this process:

  • On your computer, open Chrome.
  • At the top right, click More Delete browsing data.
  • At the top, next to Time Range, click the dropdown.
  • Choose a time period, such as the last hour or day.
  • Check Cookies and other site data.
  • Uncheck all the other items.
  • Click Delete data.
  • Commit a hard refresh (Ctrl + Shift + R) on your SMT interface.

Chrome’s process to delete Cookies

Author: KC Daniels

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