Utilize the SuiteScript Error Page with the N/error Module

by The Unstack Team in , January 7th, 2025
person typing on Apple keyboard

If you would like to notify a user of an error using the SuiteScript error page, you can use N/error to create your own error message. Import N/error, and then use it as such by following this code example:

throw error.create({
  message: "Billing schedule has already been generated for this sales order. Please close this sales order and create a new one."

Some Caveats about the Usage of ‘throw’ and N/error

If you throw an error, the remainder of the code will not be executed. If the error is thrown within a try/catch block, execution will jump to the catch component, and the error being thrown will be passed into the catch function.

As N/error errors are treated just as any other SuiteScript errors, an e-mail notifying an error has occurred will be sent to the users designated in the Unhandled Errors tab of the script. This action may be disabled by passing notifyOff: true in the error creation object.

This particular way of showing an error to the user does not create a particularly pleasing user experience compared to using NetSuite’s notification UI. The latter option would require the creation of a client script that needs to execute before saving the record is attempted, but N/error can be used without the need for an additional client script.

Author: John Baylon

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