Sending an Email Based on an Email Template in SuiteScripts

in , December 5th, 2024
woman using desktop computer

Using existing email templates or system email templates is common, and knowing how to load them into a SuiteScript is a vital skill.

Code Sample

define(["N/email", "N/render"], 
function (email, render) {
     * Send an email.
     * @param {integer} templateId
     * @param {integer} recipientId
     * @param {integer} authorEmployeeId
    function sendEmail(templateId, recipientId, authorEmployeeId) {
        //use the render module to load in a template by it's id
        let emailTemplate = render.mergeEmail({
            templateId: templateId,
            recipient: {
                type: "customer",
                id: recipientId,
        //manipulate the template as needed here
        //use the email module to send the email
            author: authorEmployeeId || -5,
            recipients: recipientId,
            subject: emailTemplate.subject,
            body: emailTemplate.body,
    return {
        onRequest: service,

Code Sample Using Built-in NetSuite Flow

System email templates can be sent using the built-in NetSuite flow instead of the code like that outlined above. See this code example:

  * Send the default access notification email. 
sendNotificationEmail: function (customerId, contactId) {
  //load the customer and edit the access lines to send 
  //the email to the customer or contact as needed
    let customer = record.load({
        type: "customer",
        id: customerId,
        isDynamic: true,
    if (!!contactId) {
        let lineNumber = customer.findSublistLineWithValue({
            sublistId: "contactroles",
            fieldId: "contact",
            value: contactId,
            sublistId: "contactroles",
            line: lineNumber,
            sublistId: "contactroles",
            fieldId: "giveaccess",
            value: true,
            sublistId: "contactroles",
            fieldId: "sendemail",
            value: true,
            sublistId: "contactroles",
    } else {
            fieldId: "giveaccess",
            value: true,
            fieldId: "sendemail",
            value: true,
        enableSourcing: true,
        ignoreMandatoryFields: true,

Author: Sam Gagliardi

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