How to Make a NetSuite Sublist Field Mandatory via SuiteScript

in , July 22nd, 2024

When To Make Fields Mandatory

In many cases, you might want to make a sublist field mandatory to ensure that a user doesn’t skip filling in that field when adding a line to the sublist. Without this UI enforcement, data could be incomplete, and other processes that rely on the data could fail or behave unexpectedly.

One way to prevent this is to use a Client Script (a type of SuiteScript) to make sublist fields mandatory.

Mandatory Field Client Script Example

Using a client script and the validateLine() function, it is possible to make sublist fields mandatory using “native” NetSuite validation. An example of checking the vendorcode field on the vendor is included below:

function validateLine(context) {
    if (context.sublistId !== 'itemvendor') {
        console.log('Not item vendor sublist, returning true.');
        return true;
    const vendorSublist = context.currentRecord.getSublist({sublistId: 'itemvendor'});
    const vendorCode = vendorSublist.getColumn({fieldId: 'vendorcode'});
    vendorCode.isMandatory = true;
    return true;

Working With and Modifying This Example Code

Additional columns could be included in if required (such as the base cost or other columns – this will entirely depend on which sublist fields exist on the sublist itself, which will vary from record to record and environment to environment).

Note: The console.log() is included in the example above for testing/debugging purposes, and should be removed in deployments.

Make sure that the validateLine function returns true or false. Remember that returning false will cause the line insertion to fail. In the case above, returning true allows the native mandatory handler to validate and display an alert to the user.

Author: Steve Linn

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