Development Setup for Mac OS Users

in , , April 24th, 2024
MacBook Pro

The majority of developers use Windows. However, you can be just as successful in using a Mac if you know how to optimally set it up for development tasks. Below are the steps you can take to properly set up your machine as a developer in the case of using a Mac.

Install nvm using your terminal

Run this command:

curl -o- | bash

You may be prompted to install “command line developer tools”. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to install these tools.

Verify that nvm was installed:

nvm -v

This command should return 0.39.1.

Install Node versions


Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere


Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere

Depending on the type of processor on your mac, you may be prompted to install Rosetta 2. I believe this will have happened when attempting to install Node.

Install gulp globally

nvm use 14.19.0
npm install --global gulp

Configure .zshrc file

Follow these steps to create a .zshrc file to allow you to use nvm outside of your system terminal (within vscode):

touch .zshrc 

nano .zshrc 

// Add this code to file:
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"

After completing these steps, you should be able to execute npm install and gulp commands as needed in your development environment!

Author: An Phan

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