Dynamically Grab the NetSuite Account ID/URL in a SuiteScript

in , June 26th, 2024

When you require the NetSuite account ID or root URL in your SuiteScript, it is recommended that you do not use a hard-coded string. This allows the code to be ported to other environments quickly and easily.

Best practice: Do not hard code in NetSuite account IDs or root URLs for a NetSuite account!

Get NetSuite Account ID

let accountId = runtime.accountId;

Use the “runtime” module and “runtime.accountId” to grab the current NetSuite account ID.

Note: This value is read-only (for good reason).

Get NetSuite Account Root URL

let scheme = 'https://';
let host = url.resolveDomain({
    hostType: url.HostType.APPLICATION,
  1. The “scheme” should always be 'https://'
  2. Use the “url” module and “url.resolveDomain” to get the root URL as a string. (i.e., “<accountID>.app.netsuite.com”)
  3. Combine the “scheme” and “host” strings to define the root URL for the NetSuite Account.
Note: Other “root” domains for the NetSuite account are available using different “hostType"s. See the url module documentation for more details.

Author: Sam Gagliardi 

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