SuiteCommerce Domain SSL (CNAME Flattening & Root Domains)

Earlier in the year, we had a request from a client that needed some additional help getting their domains and SSL set up correctly after they went live with SuiteCommerce and were instructed to switch to a DNS provider that supports CNAME flattening. Although CNAME flattening may have its benefits, it may not be required to solve your specific needs. This is a guide on how to get your root domain to forward to your secure domain without getting stopped at the unsecured root domain.

If you don't work with SuiteCommerce domains on a regular basis, you might want to take a moment to read our article on setting up SuiteCommerce Domains before continuing.
DNS for SuiteCommerce domain


Problem: Root Domain not Forwarding to Secure Domain

The root domain was not secured and not redirecting to the domain.

If this accurately describes the SuiteCommerce domain issue you are facing, then great! Read on! If you are experiencing different issues with your SuiteCommerce domain, feel free to contact us for help resolving your particular pain points.

We also published an article on copying or moving a SuiteCommerce configuration record to a new site, domain, or environment, which you can reference if you believe your SuiteCommerce domain problem would be resolved by copying one SuiteCommerce site-domain pair's SuiteCommerce configuration record's settings over to a different site-domain pair.


Solving Root Domain forwarding to Secure SuiteCommerce Domain

Step 1: Delete the root CNAME from the DNS provider (e.g. Cloudflare).

Step 2: Delete the root “A” record that may already exist.

Step 3: Add the ‘A’ record for the root domain pointing to the DNS Provider Cloudflare ID Address. (If you're using Cloudflare, this is likely the value you will need to use “”.)

dns settings for cloudflare ssl domain

Step 4: Delete the root domain record from NetSuite Domain Records and just leave the domain record in NetSuite for the 'www' domain record which has the automatic SSL already applied to it.

Note: there should only be a single domain in your domain records for this domain (staging domains can remain there though).

Step 5: Add a Page Rule in DNS provided (e.g. Cloudflare) to forward the root domain to the www domain.

Note: If you are using GoDaddy, you can “Forward the Domain”
domain forwarding page rule suitecommerce

Oracle NetSuite Alliance Partner and Commerce Partner

That's all for now, but we hope this article was helpful and informative! If you have general questions about SuiteCommerce or specific questions about SuiteCommerce domains, feel free to contact our team anytime. Anchor Group is a certified Oracle NetSuite Commerce Partner equipped to handle all kinds of SuiteCommerce projects, large or small!

We are a premium SuiteCommerce agency that creates powerful customer portals. Unlike our competitors, we have already solved your problems.

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