Sorting a Saved Search With Two Formula Results Columns  

in , , July 25th, 2024

When working with NetSuite Saved Searches, you may encounter scenarios where you want to sort by two numeric formulas you have put together.

Problems that Arise When Sorting Two Numeric Formulas

One problem you will encounter is that if you have two numeric formulas and want to sort by one and then the other, it will not allow you to select the second one. Additionally, using a text formula type will not allow you to properly sort numerically (92, for example, will fall after 919 but before 920).

How to Resolve this Results Sorting Issue

To get around this, you will want to use one formula that is a currency type and one that is a numeric type. (The results subtab for my example saved search is pictured below.)

In step 1 above, you’ll see that I added two formulas, one Numeric and one Currency type.

In step 2, you’ll see that I sorted them first by currency, then by numeric. (The inverse can be done as well.)

Using these two different formula types, I can now view the results of my Saved Search and see that they are sorted first by my Description Length (currency) formula and then by my Display Name Length (numeric) formula.

Author: Mitchell Klar

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