Set up OAuth 2.0 M2M for Rest Web Services / RESTlets   

in , October 31st, 2024
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This article provides instructions and clarity around setting up the OAuth 2.0 flow for integrations into NetSuite and seeks to provide the steps in a logical and easily repeatable manner.

Set Up a Web Services/Integration Role

Step 1: Create the role at Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > New.

Step 2: Give the following permissions at a minimum:


  • SuiteAnalytics Workbook


  • Log in using Access Tokens
  • Rest Web Services
  • Records Catalog
  • SuiteAnalytics Connect
  • Log in Using OAuth 2.0 Tokens

Step 3: Give any other required permissions per the demands of integration.

Step 4: Assign the role to the user account associated with the integration.

Create an Integration Record in NetSuite

Step 1: Setup > Integration > Manage Integration > New

Step 2: You will want to check the following

  • Authorization Code Grant
  • Client Credentials (Machine to Machine) Grant
  • RESTLets and Rest Web Services as appropriate

Step 3: Provide a redirect URL (the NS account URL works)

Step 4: After saving, store the client ID and secret (you’ll need the ID later)

Generate a Key Pair

Step 1: You can use openssl or an equivalent tool for generating said keypair. The command that NetSuite provides is openssl req -new -x509 -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -nodes -days 365 -out public.pem -keyout private.pem

Step 2: Note the expiration of 365 days. You can expand this to a maximum of 2 years.

Create a Mapping for the Client Credentials Flow

Step 1: Go to Setup > Integration > Manage Authentication > OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (M2M) Setup

Step 2: Create new mapping, choosing the entity, role, and application to be mapped (user, role, and integrations from above). You will then upload the public.pem file created in step 4

At this point you have everything you need to ping the token endpoint for the bearer token needed to successfully send RWS/RESTlet requests.

POST to the Token Endpoint

The URL for the token endpoint is https://<accountID>

Encode headers in application/x-www-form-urlendcoded

The three parameters for this endpoint are:

  1. grant_type: client_credentials
  2. client_assertion_type: urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer
  3. client_assertion: <JWT token>

More Details on client_assertion: <JWT token>

This must be done programmatically. JWT.IO can be used or another library. For details on generating this within NetSuite, contact our team!

The header includes:

  "alg": "ES256",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": "<certificate ID>"

Where kid is the certificate ID generated in the mapping.

The body includes:

    "iss": "<client ID>",
    "scope": "restlets",
    "aud": "https://<accountID>",
    "exp": 1714071326,
    "iat": 1714068326

Where iss is the client ID from you generated above, iat is the time in seconds since Jan 1 1970 and the exp is less than 60 minutes from iat.

You will also need the private and public keys.

Final Notes on this Setup

  • The response will include a bearer token that can be used as Authentication for the Restlets and Rest Web Services.
  • Remember that the key pair generated in step 4 must be regenerated and re-added every 2 years.

Author: Steve Linn 

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