Removing Unwanted Fields on a SuiteCommerce PDP

in , , November 5th, 2024
man typing on laptop computer

Option 1: Uncheck the "Store Item" Field

WARNING - The solution presented in this section will affect a field across an entire NetSuite environment and may result in lost data if this is not the correct approach for your use case. See Option 2 below for a website-specific solution, which is often more desirable. If you are unsure which approach to take, contact our team.

About the PDP Field Error

You may encounter a situation where your SuiteCommerce PDP (product detail page) displays unnecessary fields you want to toggle the visibility of. For example, look at the PDP below:

We can eliminate these fields and make the PDP look clean, like the following PDP:

Step-by-step Instructions to Remove Unwanted Fields

  1. Inspect the elements on the PDP that constitute the undesired fields. Make a note of their IDs.
  2. Navigate to the following location in your NetSuite environment: Customization>Lists, Records, & Fields>Transaction Line Items.
  3. Open the Transaction Line Items that match the IDs you found in the HTML. If you can’t find the ID in Transaction Line Items, open the Transaction Item Options page and look there.
  4. For each field you need eliminated, uncheck the box for the “Store Item” field.
  5. Cache invalidate the site and verify that your changes applied.

Option 2: Check Configuration Checkbox

If a random item option appears that isn’t directly mentioned in the website Configuration like this:

Click the ‘Show Only Items Listed In: Item Options and Custom Transaction Column Fields’ checkbox in Configuration. This will ensure that only those options you explicitly define below will display in the webstore.

Got stuck on a step in this article?

We like to update our blogs and articles to make sure they help resolve any troubleshooting difficulties you are having. Sometimes, there is a related feature to enable or a field to fill out that we miss during the instructions. If this article didn't resolve the issue, please use the chat and let us know so that we can update this article!

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