Embedding External Images in NetSuite Emails

in , , October 21st, 2024

When using NetSuite, companies will often setup email templates that might include images. Most of the time these can be pointed to with <img> tags via the file cabinet, but sometimes the images are external/temporarily generated. This results in the following errors:

  • Blank HTML <img> src attribute
  • <img> src unsetting in email or <img> src not setting

This is almost entirely due to the <img> source being set as a data URI looking similar to this:

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How to Embed External Images in NetSuite Emails

The primary method of eliminating this error is to reconstruct the data URI as a file in NetSuite so that the <img> source attribute can point to a new string. Given a data URI, this is done with the following functions:

  • Split the data URI into the base64 string and its data content using something like:
const base64String = datauri.split(',')[1];
  • Grab the NetSuite folder to hold the image and userID to build the URL:
const userId = runtime.getCurrentUser().id;
  • Save the converted data into a NetSuite file object matching the original data URI description
  • For instance, if the original URI was “data:image/png” then use the following
const netsuiteFile = file.create({
   name: 'qrcode' + userId + '.png',
   fileType: file.Type.PNGIMAGE, //Based on image type
   contents: base64String ,
   description: "QR Code",
   encoding: file.Encoding.UTF8,
   isOnline: true,
  • Load the created image file to retrieve external URL info
const imageFile = file.load({id: netsuiteFile});
  • Retrieve the host domain to complete the URL
const accountDomian = url.resolveDomain({
    hostType: url.HostType.APPLICATION,
  • Build the URL string for the <img> src attribute to call
<img src={'https://' + accountDomian + imageFile.url} />

If the generated file needs to be deleted, run a scheduled script to clean the file cabinet and inform users of their time window.

Author: Benjamin Gagliardi

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