How to Create a Downloadable CSV File with "Blob" in SuiteCommerce

in , October 5th, 2024
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Adding a “Download” button to a SuiteCommerce website is a common need for companies. However, SuiteCommerce does not (to my knowledge) have a built-in way to generate downloadable files in the browser. Thus, we turn to “Blob.”

Simple Blob Use Case: CSV

I will outline a simple use case here. There are many other ways to use Blob. See the linked documentation above.

define("DownloadBlob.View", [], function () {

    "use strict";
    return Backbone.View.extend({

        events: {
            'click [data-action="download"]': "generateCSVFile"

         * Send call to service to return data for a csv.
        generateCSVFile: function () {
            let model = new SomeModel();

                    data: {
                        recordsPerPage: this.collection.recordsPerPage,
                        csvDownload: true,
                    killerId: AjaxRequestsKiller.getKillerId(),
                .done((response) => {
                    //convert data for use in the Blob
                    let records = => {
                        let columns = => {
                            return column.value || record.text || "";
                        columns.push("\n"); //add new line

                        return columns;

                    //add headers
                    let headers = => column.label ||;

                    let blob = new Blob(records, { type: "text/csv" });

                    // Creating an object for downloading url
                    const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);

                    // Creating an anchor(a) tag of HTML
                    const a = document.createElement("a");

                    // Passing the blob downloading url
                    a.setAttribute("href", url);

                    // Setting the anchor tag attribute for downloading
                    // and passing the download file name
                    a.setAttribute("download", `${this.title}.csv`);

                    // Performing a download with click

Breaking Down this Use of Blob in SuiteCommerce

  • In the example above, a function was added to a view that triggers when a download button is clicked (line 8 ).
  • The function then calls a service file to fetch some data.
  • The returned data is then converted into an Array that can be used to generate a “Blob”.
  • An a tag element containing the bob is then created and “clicked” (line 59).
  • This will cause the Blob content to be downloaded, in this case as a CSV file.

Author: Sam Gagliardi

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