Adding Listeners to SuiteCommerce Server/Backend Source Code

in , November 13th, 2024
person holding a computer mouse in a room

It is often required to add/update the backend server code in order for an extension to function properly. Unfortunately, backend code must be written using SuiteScript 1.0. This complicates things. Here's how you can add listeners to the backend “Application” object in order to effectively extend the native SuiteCommerce code.

Benefits of Updating SuiteCommerce Backend Code

Updating the backend code can have many benefits:

  1. Fast general code base (you don’t need to create and call your own service files)
  2. All data loaded at once
  3. Simpler extension
  4. More resistant to future SuiteCommerce updates

Adding Listeners: SuiteCommerce Backend Code Examples

Listeners are most often added in an extension’s “SuiteScript” entry point. In your extension manifest this would be the file located here:

 "ssp-libraries": {
      "entry_point": "Modules/MyExtension/SuiteScript/MyExtension.Entry.js",
      "files": [...]

This file runs on Application load and allows you to add listeners before most other code runs. Below, you will see examples of adding listeners. Read the code carefully to understand how it works.

,	[
,	function (
	'use strict';
	//! Use "Application.on" to add listeners. You will see multiple examples below
	//Add a function that runs "after" the "ProfileModel" "get" function is run.
	Application.on('after:Profile.get', function (Model, profile) {
		//Add custom logic here to change/add data that is returned to the front end Profile Model
        //the "Model" arg is the backend Profile Model
        //the "profile" arg is the object returned from the native "get" function
		return profile;	
	//! NOTE: Wrapping can still work in some cases, but don't assume it will. 
	AccountModel.login = _.wrap(AccountModel.login, function (fn) {

		var params = _.toArray(arguments).splice(1);
		var returnObj = fn.apply(this, params);
		return returnObj;
	//Add a function that runs "after" an "InvoiceModel" "setExtraListColumns" function is run.
	//this example function adds a search column
	Application.on("after:Invoice.setExtraListColumns", function(Model) {
		//the "Model" arg is the backend Invoice Model
		Model.columns.new_column = new nlobjSearchColumn('custbody_some_custom_fiels');
	//! NOTE: Extending can still work in some cases, but don't assume it will.
	_.extend(TransactionHistoryModel, {
		name: 'TransactionHistory'
Best Practice: Add “after” listeners to backend functions and manipulate the data after the native function has finished.

Author: Sam Gagliardi

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