Implementing a Standard SuiteCommerce Popup/Modal

in , October 7th, 2024

Modals (popups) are common features on today’s websites. Use cases include displaying alerts, messages, confirmation prompts, and much more. SuiteCommerce has a very easy way to add custom and/or native popups to your extensions. See the code example below for a simple walkthrough.

About Implementing a SuiteCommerce Modal

The simplest and easiest way to implement a modal is to use the native “showInModal” function that exists on the Layout Frontend Extensibility API component. While there is no documentation for using the function, it exists and is often used in the SuiteCommerce Source Code. In the example below, we will show how to use this function inside a simple event listener function on a view.

Code Sample: SuiteCommerce Website Popup

define("Modal.Example.View", [
], function (
) {
    "use strict";
    return Backbone.View.extend({
        template: some_template,
        //declare an event listener
        events: {
            "click button": "showModal",
        //write the function handling your event
        showModal: function (event) {
            //build your view object
            //use either a custom view, or an existing view. See example below:
            //GlobalViewsConfirmationView example
            let view = new GlobalViewsConfirmationView({
                callBack: function () {
                    //code that runs if the user "confirms" the prompt
                cancelCallBack: function () {
                    //code that runs if the user "cancels" the prompt
                confirmLabel: "Continue",
                cancelLabel: "Go Back",
                title: "Approval Pending",
                body: this.confirmationMessage,
                autohide: true,
            //GlobalViewsMessageView example
            let view = new GlobalViewsMessageView({
                message: messages, //an array of messages
                type: 'warning', //types include 'warning', 'error', 'success', 'info'
                closable: false //closable boolean
            //you could also use a custom view if needed.
            //be sure to pass the application/container to your view for use here. 
            //use the "showInModal" function to render the popup

Pre-built SuiteCommerce Popup

Don't want to build your own website popup for SuiteCommerce or SCA? There are SuiteCommerce apps available to easily add a popup to your website. Depending on your use case and the level of development support you have in-house, hiring a SuiteCommerce developer to implement one of these existing solutions can save you time and money.

Interested in a pre-built modal for your SuiteCommerce website? Check out the Pop Up Solution for SuiteCommerce, a SuiteCommerce app built by our very own developers here at Anchor Group! It is fully customizable, to fit a variety of use cases.

Author: Sam Gagliardi

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